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0.5*0.5m Specification Grid Steel Frame Floor

OA Access Floors offers a complete line of Raised Access Flooring and Access Flooring Services, and offers both New and Refurbished Access Floors and Raised Access Floor Systems. Our Access Flooring experts will discuss your requirements,identify your needs, and propose the materials and services that will most economically suit your project.

OA Access Floors is the industry leader in raised access flooring solutions that meet evolving industry needs for strength, durability, acoustic performance and airflow, all without compromising quality or ease of access.
  • Raised floor

  • JadeLight

project/ name 500(standard edition) 501(open plate)
distribution outlet not have a place
texture painted steel plate
filler light weight mortar
size 500*500 t=28
completion height 55mm to 500mm
weight abount 44kg/sqm
load condition 5000N deformation 5.0mm or less
non-combustion performance level 1(combustion 0)

Control Rooms

With similar requirements as data centers and server rooms, control rooms are often found in IT applications, manufacturing, utilities, factories, and refineries. Downtime is not an option for these facilities and computer floor offers the insurance needed for cable management and air distribution.


With over 120,000 educational facilities in the US with the average age of 42+ years old, over half of these facilities have problems linked to poor air quality. Poorly designed over-head and in wall air distribution contribute to these conditions. Raised Floor Systems provide significant advantages to addressing and maintaining air quality while offering all the benefits of flexible distribution services and cable management.


The company has always been adhering to the concept of: customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, and quality assurance



 Room 20F, Huaren International Building, No 2 Shandong Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City Shandong Province China
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